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Very nicely done

Except that it should accept other possible permutations of hands like if you get a full house and its orderd 8 9 8 9 8... it should take that
or 8 9 9 8 8

you see what i mean? also, add a straight, because a straight in order is hard to get

it got hard for me because i see symbols better than numbers. dont know why.

8/10 (grahics could be better)

RodMagnuson responds:


When working on the game I tried this, but the problem was these out of order patterns occurred too frequently so as to make the game not challenging. Basically moves would just magically create matches that people really weren't planning. This still can occur with straights, though, so perhaps I should have removed those.

One major problem

The way you have the control scheme set up, its near impossible to play decently on a laptop with a touchpad. If you could, set it up so you can change the control scheme to turn and stuff and shoot with the spacebar or something.

I'm going to have to give you a low score for right now because i'm on a laptop and its extremely hard to play.

It looks fun and i can't wait to play it on a desktop.


Kajenx responds:

It wasn't made to be played without a proper mouse, so I'll have to disregard your review.

few things missing

such as powerups?

Rhete responds:


pretty good for a start

I also made a game like this using completely Java as afinal project for my AP Comp Sci class.
One HUGE thing you need to do is to seperate the block into at least 5 or 6 sections.

(tried to get it to line up)
If you notice when u hit the right side of the paddle when playing a "professional" version of Breakout, it moves a lot to the right, no matter which way the ball is going to begin with.
As you get closer to each side, make the ball's velocity move faster left or right.
heres part of my Java code:
if (rebound == true)
....if (xBall >=paddleLeft && xBall < paddleLeft + paddleLength/5
....xVelocity = -3
....else if (xBall >= paddleLeft + paddleLength/5 && xBall < paddleLeft*2/5
....xVelocity = -2

etc. etc. etc.

that way the ball is not bouncing in a predictable way and it is easier to control where the ball goes.
Im not sure how to convert it to AS or if it will work like that in AS but that should give u a general idea. If i find my Java version, would you like to have it? Spin me an email if u do.


Spudz responds:

Hi, thanks for that, I have an idea of how to convert something like that into AS alright. I'd like to have a look at your java version definately. I'll give ya a buzz in a sec. Cheers.

very nice game! extremely addictive!

I CANT FIND THE ORANGE KEY! the only key i got to was the yellow key. i cant find the blank key!

MakeItSoGames responds:

It's in the store which is all the way north. You need the blank key and 50 coins. The blank key is found behind the green door. You need the raft to get the green key. You need to kill the 2nd boss to get the raft!

u coulda added something new.

Reason style is low is becuase a lot of Windows Sucks flashes have been made, so i cant give a high score for that
Anyways, a lot better than what i could do
(for some reason, even if i want to make something, i cant if it takes longer than a day cause ill get pissed off and frustrated)



MessiaH responds:

As long as the overall is high, who cares about the other stuff?

Thanks a lot. :o)

sigh, do i have to say it again?


you like bomberman dont you?

BBMan responds:

u are a faq

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